Visitor insurance for parents


Registered Users (C)
Hi all, First I really apologize for putting an unrelated issue here. I posted in the non-immigrant visa thread but did not get an answer. I need to know what visitor insurance is good for old parents coming from India.

Please help me with this as I really can not pay the medical bills if there is a emergency need.


Depends on what country your parents are coming from it is best to take insurance in the country of origin. When my parents were here I tok insurance from an Indian company (TAT where they had a tie up with AIG). So worked out well for us.

You will see that co-pay is very high but it should work out well in case of an emergency..Good Luck!!!
Thanks Mickey and supply for your input.

Dogbert, I am aware of the fact that I was not supposed to post here. Don't write rubbish when you do not have any suggestion.
Check Twice

Which ever insurance coverage you choose make sure you understand what is cover and what is not.

I have used Tata-ING before when I tried to call those customer service # (Call was routed to Canada.) when I wanted Dr. services for my in-laws. And it was not much helpful. I ended up in paying for it.

This time, I got insurance from

but i know that this insurance will be useful only for Hospital Emergency and not much for day-to-day Dr. visit. (because high dedectubile etc.)

Also one of my friends father was hospitalized because of some kidney related issues.. insurance carrier did not pay single dime.. local churches helped to pay the bills..
so ask questions to actual carrier help line (instead of Insurance agent, who will not be of any help once you buy insurance from him or her..)

Good Luck