Visited by a CIA sub-contractor.


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Someone who claimed he was from CIA wanted to talk to me. I have people from HR to sit with me during the meeting with this CIA guy who seemed didn't know what he was doing, he didn't speak good English, he asked a few basic question regarding my work in my home country. He indicated that he was a contractor from CIA to "collect field data". I felt he was a identify theft.

Few weeks later, this guy came back again, asked few more question, this time he seemed to be more serious and know what he was supposed to do.

Even the HR people felt this guy was strange.

I didn't ask him if he has anything to do with immigration. HR told me to just answer what he asked, don't offer more info.

Has anyone got such visit by so called CIA sub contractor? Would this has anything to do with my over due case?

1st FP 1/8/2002
1RFE Oct 22, 2002

From then, nothing, no further FP notice, no RFE. Attorney said my 1st FP was clean. I don't understand why they picked me and why the typical research work I did in home country would cause anyone want to investigate me.

Now the process time has moved way passed 30 day mark from my date, I am going to fax an inquiry.

If anyone had similar experience, please advice me what to do.

If it was immigration related, I would expect FBI to get involved, not CIA. I hope you asked to see for his identification before talking to him. Could be some an imposter. I would ask for the reason for the interview too.
CIA does not employ sub-contractors to gather data. You should have checked the id, called his office etc....
It looks like fraud to me. One of my friend had similar experience. Please complain to local police station. Please be careful when you are dealing with such suspicious persons.
If it happens again, check the number on his card, and call to confirm. Don't take anyone for face value and ask if you are legally required to answer his questions. If he says yes, then ask for your lawyer to be present.
Very strange. It seems to me this is case of identity theft. And it seems this guy already collected some of your information he needs (like your address, where you work etc) and wanted to gather rest of it. I hope you did not provide your SSN.
A friend of mine had similar experence. But the guy was from DOD
(Department of Defense), and the phone number he left matches, and he didn't look suspecious.

He said that various of (government ?) departments in the U.S.
are collecting data on people whose past experence interests them. The questions he asked are similar to your case. He also told my friend which part of his past work interested them.

My friend asked if it has anything to do with his long time pending I-485 case, and the answer was no. My friend is from the same country.