USCIS Immigration Stats for July 04 released


Registered Users (C)
Statistics - Month Ending July 04

The numbers tell us:

1. The largest decrease of pending applications in a month since Sept 2001.

2. The third largest number of i-485 processed in a month since Sept 2001.

Although there is a ways to go we seem to be headed in the right direction. From rupnet we know that August and September have been the best months in recent memory. It would interesting to see the August report.
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Since this is combined across all service centers, this could just be because of other centers like CSC processing very fast?
I know it's a very negative thing to say but after looking at the unchanging NSC dates month after month don't know what else to think.
Sept 02 has a negative number for # of cases processed that month. That doesn't seem correct. Or am I missing something?
One thing I noted, in May 04, only 1340 cases were processed while in Apr 04 case processed were 101474. What they heck were they doing in May ?? Having summer vacations or what ??
This just goes on to prove erratic processing.

they normally had a processing rate of about 50,000 a month.
three months back they claimed to have processed 101,000 485s in that month. the month after that they processed 1,000. which simply evened out the performance of the previous month. this month they claim to have processed 93,000. i am expecting a processing rate of 10,000 next month.

BUT...going by the decrease in pending applications and seeing the decrease in EAD processing(almost half the number pending of what it was last year), i feel that the pending application are really decreasing, just, not for the 485s!

the next three months are normally high volume for EADs. lets see how they handle that. its just that those numbers are not really relevant to the 485 community, is it? :)
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i think the negative number for cases processed is a typo. if you took out the -ve sign and charted the numbers, it'll even out nicely.
however, the small number of cases processed in may 04 is very curious. and it is not a typo, because it corresponds to a huge net increase in may 04. it seems that particular month is an anomaly. is it the same month the infamous Ohata memo is being implemented? i know there were huge personnel changes to accomodate 'concurrent adjudication'.
anywho, this is just a moot exercise in trying to get as little as possible done on a friday afternoon.
USCIS publishes only two clear figures for 485. The applications received in a month and total pending end of the month. The two columns - net increase and 485 processed are derived from these two figures.

For example in Sept 02 USCIS had 854905 pending from the previous month and added 62374 during the month which means that they should have 917279 left even if they processed 0 apps. The fact that they show 966472 pending means the hole has gotten deeper by a negative 49193.

Seems stupid, but these are the figures we have to work with. Looks like between two months ~100,000 apps appeared from nowhere. Not surprising for a agency that cannot find its ass with both hands. End of rant.. .

Now if they only start processing 03 apps..... ;) Have a great weekend.
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3235_chelsea said:
anywho, this is just a moot exercise in trying to get as little as possible done on a friday afternoon.

right on target, dude(tte).
its a wonderful world. Isnt it? :)
Someone send this excel file to USCIS Director or Ombudsman, and ask them to explain the Negative numbers which I'm sure Rsur calculated correctly.