US citizen wants to open business with non us citizen

How does this work? Is he allowed to open a business in the states because he is married to a US citizen. We are both living in Canada right now but he is on a student visa. We want to move to florida and open a business there, but he is chinese and so, therefore needs a visa and they are pretty hard to get. Do they issue special visas to people interested in opening a business. Just so we can go down there and check it out first?
Well, of course that is a way of doing it, but we don't necessarily want to live there full time, it would sort of be a 3 month a year thing and I am not sure how long one must stay to qualify to keep their green card status. Do anybody know?
He doesnt want to work in the states we just want him to be able to come down every once in a while, but apparently it is almost impossible to get a visitor visa if you are married to an american. What are the requirements to get a business visa? Thanks for all your help!!