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Each one of you must and without any hesitation, - whether a citizen, card or visa holder, ensure passage of H1B S.2045 in the US house of representative (the House will consider the bill by this week – take 2 mins to act now as this may the best help you gave yourself). Note: Representatives welcome messages from tax paying public or on matters that effect the nations economy. Http://www.house.gov/writerep/ On this site using your zip code, you can search and find the home page, contacts and name of the current representative for your district/state area in the US House. Contact the area district’s House Representative by email, letter or voice mail, and urge him pass the H1B bill. Give wide publicity to this measure now, and ask all your family members and circle friends do same. Also, below is a message draft you can use /modify to send-in your email/fax now. The Draft:
I am writing to express my support for S.2045, the “American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act” that was passed by the senate on Oct 3, 2000. I am a taxpayer ____ (citizen/employed as H1 specialist worker) in State/district of_______(Add employer, importance of your work, and support of other friends for this bill).
Successful passage of this bill in the US House is critical so that the high tech industry is able to thrive and continue to serve as the engine for the growth of the nation’s economy, jobs and opportunities. In the new knowledge-based economy, where ideas and innovations rather than land or natural resources are the principal well springs of economic and national growth, American competitiveness depends on its intellectual assets and capacity. The most successful economics of the 21st century will be those which maximize intellectual assets. But Sir, US will achieve such full economic potential only if we ensure that high-technology companies can find and hire the people whose unique qualifications and skills are critical to America\'s future. Alan Greenspan also testified about the need for this bill. A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on high technology workforce issues demonstrated that the foreign-born individuals hired by companies on H-1B temporary visas typically create many additional jobs through their skills and motivations. Silicon Valley\'s experience reveals that the results will be more jobs and higher incomes for both Americans and immigrant workers.\' Skilled technology workers are further able to build on new ideas, invent or set-up new economy businesses further adding to US economic strength and opening new markets for US products. A study by U.C. Berkeley bears this testimony out as it found that immigrant entrepreneurs in northern California alone were responsible for global businesses with sales nearly $17 billion. However, due to INS’s procedural delays, over 500,000 green cards have been lost forever. Only this bill will enable that temporary workers within petitioned permanent status can use “lost visas” and extend stay in short increments as permissible to become permanent residents in U.S and work for their employers. In absence of this bill, the scenario for the nation is frightening as high-tech brain power, in form of knowledge workers, is forced to leave US to join competitors in countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, France, England, Japan, India, China and many other countries in Asia, Latin America and Europe, as various nations woo the highly skilled worker to replicate US success. This would be of great detriment to US economy as also would lead a sharp decline in its technology edge in future. The S.2045 bill in its existing form alone can ensure that the dramatic U.S. economic expansion will not be stalled by a lack of skilled workers in critical positions. It retains language of current law and protects qualified U.S. workers from being displaced. We hope that you and your colleagues will approve this important proposal e