Urgent questions regarding B2 Visa Rejection:( Please Help!


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I am a Canadian citizen ( born in Iran) living in US with H4 visa( my Husband has a H1b visa) ,since i am having my second child due on Augest, so i have invited my parents to be here during that time. my parents are Iranian citizen, my mon is retired but my dad is still working, they went to US Consulate in Dubai this week and they both got rejected and the reason the consoler told them was that my dad will be retird soon! and they have 2 grandchildren in US so they have tendency to come to US and stay here forever , that's why he can't grant them the visa!!!
I have 2 siblings who are single and live in Iran, also my father had a letter and prove that he is still working, they also showed some legal papers which indicate they have some properties in Iran on their names and also showd the bank statement! but still it didn't help! they came to US 6 years ago when i was having my first child, and my parents condition was the same! we are all so surprised and upset ! my questions are
1) Can they appeal on this case and how?
2) can they submit another application immediately or they have to wait for sometimes? if they have to wait , how long it is?
3) if they ger rejected again , can they ask the visa be granted atleast to one of them?
4) do they have to go to the same embassy ( it was in Dubai) or this time they can go to another one ( like Turkey)?
i appreciate any advise and help.
Times were very different 6 years ago. There is never a guarantee that once someone has been granted a visa that another will be granted. Consulates all have access to the same information; consulate shopping fr a different result is not appropriate. Some require appearance where rejection occurred.

They can reapply. Consider the length of stay requested. If they listed for 6 months when your father is still working, that is unreasonable and a flag that they may have other intentions.
Thank you Concerned4us , for your quick reply. my parents just asked for 2 months visa, last time also when they visited me , my dad stayed just for 2 months and my mom stayed for 3 months. my dad has a private practice, so usually he never leaves his job for more than 2 months.
I was reading some forum yesterday and some people have mentioned that invitation due to pregnancy could be a reason for rejection! do you think in my case this could be a reason for denial ? and also i read that getting a letter from a Senate or Congressman could help them to get a visa in their second attempt !
I would appreciate if you could share your ideas about this. thank you in advance.