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people of the forum i am 2011 dv winner and i have my interview soon....i am from nairobi-kenya .........people when i was applying the dv i was single. after that i assumed and got married ....my marriage cert is up to date, i also sent the form to kcc for my wife after reading the the note given on their website...... so i wan't to know if the officer will interview both of us separately. secondly if the officer suggests that i did this because of immigrant purpose what are the tips to convince him/her.......i also want to know if they are going to question me on my high school or my college subjects....any suggestion will be helpful..................
thnxs bro....what about if i don't have that pictures as per we are not allowed to have pictures or touch our opposite sex before marriage pple.....i need your advice....reading also my original post....thank you in advance...........waiting you....
You MAY need to prove that your marriage was genuine. This is because you married after you got your first letter.

FIRST: If you are married, you must obtain an original marriage certificate, or a certified copy, bearing the appropriate seal or stamp of the issuing authority.
SECOND: Obtain all evidence of your marriage. You must have some photographs taken of your marriage, invitation cards etc. etc. You said you don't have pictures of your marriage? Is it a general custom of your place to not have pictures taken of marriage? The embassy knows more about the practices of a place (like marriage) more than you know. So, you need to prepare likewise.

THIRD: You did a good job by updating your marital status. However, you still need to prepare to prove your marriage. Collect as many evidences as possible.

EDUCATION: Yes, they can ask you about your education, your future plans etc. Read other threads in this forum about interview experiences, you may learn a lot.

The burden of proof lies on you my friend.

Best of Luck.

We had the same case also in the Embassy in Nairobi. About our experience and successful interview you can read in "DV-2011 Winners from Kenya".
We were lucky and not asked many questions, but there was a couple in front of us, who also got married after the 1st letter, they were interviewed separately and refused a visa.
Basically you need as much as possible evidence that you were in relationship for quite a while before.
We carried 5 Huuuuuuuuuge photo albums, but were not asked. In fact we were not asked of any prove.
But we had:
- 5 Photo Albums
- Our expired passports with visas to the same places on the same dates (when we were going for vacation)
- His Life Insurance, where I am indicated as a beneficiary
- Our JOINT Bank Account with a significant amount
- Tenants agreement, which was signed 3 years ago by both of us + rent receipts for each month, either with his or my name
- Our chat communication and emails on the times when I was abroad

Also we did a lot of preparation by printing the same questions, answer them separately and then compare, discuss and come with the same answer.
Make sure you and your wife call same things the same names. For example, if you had mukimo yesterday, both should call it mukimo, not that one is calling it irio and another one mashed potatoes with pumpkin leaves. When I was there I got to realize that Officer doesnt know many kenyan things, like traditional food, etc, so the only way they can compare if your answer is the same with you wife/husband by how the word sounds.

Be prepared and all the best!
well i said i have pictures of our wedding ...........but i don't have pictures of my wife before marriage .......yet i support the family while we don't have any joints of bank accounts all that........for the case of the rent i usually pay cash since we share apartment with some other people..........for my side i have the confidence to convince the officer............and if you are not kenyan do they care about your staying in the country......as in documents that prove it.........is it a big deal to the cases..........hope you guys understand me and help me the best you can......
you mean before marriage....if yes . what are the common questions?
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Prince 114

You've got to be brutally honest and forthright with your info for people in here to advise u accordingly.
Is it your identity documents or legality of your stay that you are concerned with?
Each case is different but in most marriages after winning they dig into your knowledge of each other before n after. Not having pictures before or lack of joint accounts especially in this particular country does not automatically mean denial. The CO line of questioning and your answers may be enough to clear you. But IF you sound shady in your interview you may go into AP to confirm your story- from experience.
Dear Forumites,

Please the below questions have been given me a sleepless nights.
I'll be much happy if the experience guys in the house could help me.

1. Question 10 on DS-230 Part I ( Permanent address in the United States where you intend to live and name of a person who currently lives there)
- Is it necessary to have somebody in United States whom you’ll live with?
- If the answer is N/A, what’s the possible implication or how does USA accommodates the visa lottery immigrants?

2. Question 17 on DS-230 Part I ( Spouse’s occupation)
- Could “STUDENT” be given as the answer or N/A due to the reason that she’s is a non-working student?

3. Question 18 on DS-230 Part I ( Date of Marriage)
- The date in our marriage certificate is a date after the closure of dvlottery registration but prior to the dvlottery selection’s date. Please, could inputting this date brings problem or what is the appropriate decision to abduct?

4. Question 19 on DS-230 Part I ( Father’s family Name------First Name------Middle Name)
5. Question 24 on DS-230 Part I (Mother’s family Name at Birth---First Name---Middle Name)
- If DS-230 is for primary applicant, are questions 19 & 24 for primary applicant’s parents or for Spouse’s parents?

6. Question 33 on DS-230 Part I (List below all educational institutions attended)
- Could secondary school and primary school included in the list, if so, what would be written as course of study and degree or diploma?
- Could I furnish only my degree information?

7. Question 3 on DSP-122 Part II (Address at which you receive your mail. Give any change of mailing address here)
- Could I write mailing address different to mailing address which I used during registration?

Please when is the possible month to be current.
CN - 2012AF00014***

Thanks for your speared time.
prince - there is nothing wrong with wanting info, but you sound a little paranoid about only one aspect tis all
well i said i have pictures of our wedding ...........but i don't have pictures of my wife before marriage .......yet i support the family while we don't have any joints of bank accounts all that........for the case of the rent i usually pay cash since we share apartment with some other people..........for my side i have the confidence to convince the officer............and if you are not kenyan do they care about your staying in the country......as in documents that prove it.........is it a big deal to the cases..........hope you guys understand me and help me the best you can......

You ask many questions, but dont really say anything about your case.
I am not kenyan and I was not asked for any paper of legal residence in kenya, though all my papers are in order and I brought all of them + copies. Maybe it depends on which nationality you are, some they need to check more than others. I am from Europe and the possibility of me getting married to a kenyan who wom american green card is almost 0. I think they also consider your nationality.
Well, you dont have joint bank account and rest receipts - thats very possible. But each case is unique and if you really lived with your partner for some time, I believe you will find many pooves to show that your marriage is geniune and based on love, but not on green card. And the joint bank account we also didt have, but opened when we won the green card, co realised it might help us. You can also open and include your wife in teh signatories.