Tricky one, HELP!


New Member
Hi folks!

I'm an English national. When I was 8 my parents, sister and I moved to America on an e2 work visa. I obviously went to school, made friends and generally grew up to be a good ol American kid. I was never arrested and got decent grades in school. My parents never renewed their visa and we ended up overstaying by 5 years. I wasn't happy with this and as soon as I turned 18 and was able to leave I left the US for England.

Nearly 4 years later (aka now) my old sweetheart and I from the states have rekindled our love, and to be honest folks I want to marry her. Will I be able to go back to the states? Or will I be banned for 10 years?

The entire time I was there I was a minor and once I legally had the ability to leave I did.


Ps I'm currently working, no debt, no criminal record and generally considered an upstanding member of my community (I do a lot of oublic service in my spare time)