transit visa for air india flight 112 thru heathrow


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Hello All,

I will be traveling in air india #112 from newark to bombay. This has a temporary halt at heathrow for 2 hrs.

There is no plane change or terminal change.

Do I need a transit visa for UK? I have stayed in US for more than 6 months.

Thanks in advance,
that has confusing statements:
indians are exempt from transit visa if they have:
# A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from the country for which you have the visa to another country or territory.
# A valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America to another country or territory, as long as you do not transit (pass through) the UK on a date more than six months after the date on which you last entered Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America with a valid visa for that country.

I have stayed in US for more than 6 months.