Tracker----June interview at Mumbai

questions on tax transcript

I got my tax transcripts for last 3 years from IRS too...
But there is no signature, no seal, nothing. Just some printouts on paper.
So is this correct? or should I get the correct version from IRS? if so, how? what did u mean by official transcripts.

prasadsk ... can you post the number for the automated IRS line for the transcripts ???

I also talked to a CSR and she said she will print out and send the "transcripts". But what I understand from u is that, those are not the correct transcripts. So please post the automated number?

ALso, does one need to take the transcripts from the state department of Revenue too ??
the number is 800-829-1040

I think we need to submit our request for transcripts by the automated machine only. If we talk to some one regarding that then it is going to a different office, they are sending just plain paper print-outs. I submitted using the AVM in error (I thought) for one year and the transcripts were on IRS letter head for every paper. They look whole lot of different than the one I received by talking to some one.

I am going to request for other years by AVM now.
number is 800-829-1040

Well, I think you also need to go through the menus for transcripts at this number and submit request using AVM only. I think this is confusing every one there is one option to request \'Tax return transcript\' and another option to request \'Tax return and Tax accoutn transcript\'. The first one gives the transcript of your original tax return. The second gives the transcript of yur return and if there any chnages to that later that also. I submitted request for the second one and I thought I made an error and talked to CSR. She sent me plain paper print outs. Subsequently I received the transcripts for my tax return and tax account for the request I made using AVM. So that gave me a clear picture.

I have not seen one taking tax transcripts from state revenue depts. If they are available then one might take, nevertheless I do not think that we need them.
you made an interesting point

This is what I found for state of ohio tax dept transcripts. I would think this might be available for every state. I am not sure we need them or not.

To receive a summary transcript of your Ohio income tax information, please call our Information number at 1-800-282-1780. Please indicate the tax year you\'re requesting, your social security number and your current address. If a joint Ohio income tax return was filed, you must also indicate your spouse\'s social security number. The summary transcript will be mailed within three days of your telephone request. To receive a Photostat copy of your Ohio income tax return, you must submit a written request. Send your request to the Ohio Department of Taxation, ATTN: File Center, P. O. Box 2476, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0076.
I took mine from the State of North Carolina ....

I personally went to the office of DOR and they printed out the return and gave it to me as transcripts !!!

It was just plain printout which had the line number information, it also showed the internal document no., Traansaction Id, Batch Id etc... but nowhere does it have any letterhead or stamp of the DOR. I recomfirmed from the lady whether this is it ...she said that this is what is a "transcript" ....

So I think I will take these printouts and copies of my actual return and should be fine ....
im9999. .... Heres the info for tax transcripts..


option 2
option 1
enter ur SSN
option 1
option 6
enter the numeric part of ur address digits.
option 1
option 4
enter 2000,2001 etc

repeat the same for all years required...
My Interview date confirmed on June 26.

Hi Guys,

I tried yesterday to call them for 45 minutes. No luck. I suggest you, just email them, they are saying on recorded message that, if you have specific Question about your Immigration visa, please email. So, better to do email. You may see my further detail at under "vsshah"

My interview is scheduled on Jun 26, 2002.
Mine was reviewd by NVC on April 2, and mailed to Mumbai on April 9.

Here is the email exchange. Best luck guys...

From: "MUMBAI, I V"
To: "vsshah
Subject: RE: Case BMB20025*****, Interview Scheduled in June??
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 01:48:52 -0400

You and your spouse have been scheduled for an interview on June 26,
2002 at **:** a.m. A packet 4 (appointment letter with enclosures) was mailed to your attorney on May 3, 2002.
-----Original Message-----
From: vsshah
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:02 PM
Subject: Case BMB20025*****, Interview Scheduled in June??


Case: BMB20025*****

Interview Scheduled in June???????

