TN with same employer, different type?


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My husband will be finished his Associate's Degree soon, and his employer is talking about taking him out of his management consultant position and moving him into an analyst position. This would be a more hands-on job, so his current TN (management consultant) would need to be changed to a different classification. Is this possible to do by mail, or would he have to go to the border? It won't be until next year, but I thought I'd ask in advance :)
Asking about this again... How do we go about doing this? His employer wants to go ahead with the change, so I'm trying to get the paperwork done.

He'd prefer to do it by mail, since we're so far from the border. On the I-129, is there something special we need to do? I'm assuming that on the first page, part 2, we should select 2a (new employment) and fill in the new NAICS code? Is there anything else? I've only ever filled in an I-129 once before, and it was a straightforward extension with no changes.

Thanks :)
This one will be just as straightforward. I-129, TN addendum, letter, proof of education (and/or experience if necessary), copy of passport, copy of current I-94 and payment.