TN, Pending Merger and Stock Options

Alta Al

Registered Users (C)
Today the CEO of my Company informed me that we will be merging with another firm within the next few weeks, and that my position and compensation will remain the same. I have obtained my 5th TN with the same Company, under the CSA category, late last December. It is my understanding that the firm we are merging with will continue to operate and my current Company will cease to exist.

From previous posts regarding similar scenarios, it is my understanding that I can continue working on my current TN; however I am concerned that I will have an I-94 that lists a Company that will soon cease to exist. I also plan on returning to Canada for a wedding in July and I am concerned that this scenario will cause me problems. Would it not be prudent to have the new firm draft me a TN Letter and apply for a TN in their name?

As a part of the merger, Stock options will be offered, and am wondering if I accept the options, can this have any negative impact on my current or future TN status?


Alta Al
I would want some document that show that new company had 'assumed all intersts' of the old.

The options are no problem