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there is no UPS office in my country...!


Registered Users (C)
I recieved the 2nd letter.They want me to send my documents with UPS and there is no alternative. But there is no Ups office in Iran.
what I have to do?
contact the embassy and ask them. You can also contact the KCC by sending an email as well. Are you scheduled for Ankara or Abu Dhabi?
I did it but...

thank you pscl!
well, my post is Ankara, and unfortunately that embassy is closed till Dec 4th and they didn't reply my Email about this problem.My interview will be in the late Dec.I'm afraid to be late!(to send documents)
By the way, I think I have to wait until the embassy reopen!

Are they really asking you to send your docs before your interview?? If so send COPIES , not originals, via regular mail and add a letter explaining that you sent copies since it is not safe to send originals from Iran not having UPS. Then at the interview you can show the originals.

I don't know the exact content of your second letter so I can only guess based on what you wrote.

Good luck

harmonic_life said:
thank you pscl!
well, my post is Ankara, and unfortunately that embassy is closed till Dec 4th and they didn't reply my Email about this problem.My interview will be in the late Dec.I'm afraid to be late!(to send documents)
By the way, I think I have to wait until the embassy reopen!
Don't worry at all. Every thing is going to be OK.
The fact that the embassy will be closed by Dec. 4 will be considered by the embassy in their processing. By the time of re-opening the embassy and asking them, you can send an email to the KCC. Anyway, don't worry about timing, every thing is normal.
By the way, can I ask you about the list of documents that your second letter asked you to take to the embassy?
Ankara Embassy demand all document before interview.but they also notify everyone to send just copy one not original. The original copy you will show during interview.As embassy is off for that day, do not worry they will change with suit time for you.
if you do not have UPS service in IRAN send someone who is in Turkey via DHL or Fedex service.
By the way you can ask embassy; wheter you can send the papers via DHl or any other express service -they will advice you, if there is not any UPS in iran.
The UPS has agreement to handle this job with Ankara Embassy as far i know.
I leave in IStanbul and i see here so many iranian are in istanbul as waiting for DV viza interview. why you are not here little earlier. i mean 2 weeks prior your interview. I know it is impossibe for you to stay that long time and Istanbul is very expensive place either.
Ankara Embassy declare interview date of concerning person of DV winner according to thier current number for the month check .http://ankara.usembassy.gov/schedule_dv.html
But some my friend told me that some time the list may not hold the case number although at that month ones number current for ankara. so everyone need to call them in time to be approved.
Thank you Barbara and Pscl
Merhaba J&G
bana etdiniz yardimdan tesekur ediyorum!
I think My turkish is as worst as my English!( oyle degil mi?)
By the way my interview will be on the last days of Dec.I made an appointment with the doctor too.When I said embassy is closed I mean they don't reply my Email.
As you wrote they asked some copies of documents and no original one.
And about the Iranian that are in istanbul, I think they are "zengin" people! If I want to stay two weeks in istanbul I have to sell "tum mali mulku"! (just kidding!)
As you wrote I have to wait till embassy reopend and reply my Email and advice me about that.

The documents that they asked me to send are:

1-Full photocopy of passport
2-one certified copy of last diploma
3-one certified copy of the birth certificate of each person named in the application
4-one certified copy of marriage certificate ( full copies of all pages)
5-one certified copy of divorce decree or death certificate
6-financial documents
7-police detificate required for applicants 16 years old and older
8-court and prison records
9-contact information ( there is a form in the packet for this)
10-Translation: All documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation.
11-photos:two un-retouched and... photos for all apllicants

thank you again
"kendinize iyi bakin"
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Vay canına ,Turkce biliyorsunuz süper ya.:) Nereden ogrendin yao.
anyway yes iranian in istanbul seems pretty wealthy.

what you did for post.hala her hangi bir problem var mı.

see ya