There are atlest 100 approvals for Vermount in last 2 days!Whats wrong with NSC???????


Registered Users (C)
Why is only NSC sleeping??? Everybody had to add new security stuff, & they already finished the security implementation & also approving cases left & right! What is the reason for NSC not approving atall???????????????????????????
Hey,I know it feels bad to wait but the number of filers are more in VSC....

...For example in VSC there are more than 250 July filers and in NSc about 1/4th of that.
But you never know with INS.Maybe NSc becomes faster in coming months and VSC slows down because of more people.
So take it easy. I am waiting too and it seems like a long wait to me.
God bless us all with GC approval!
all the best
May be nothing is wrong with NSC


Going through most of your discussions I strongly suspect there may be some approvals and the approved people are not getting access to post their message on new web application site.

I have to email Monica to grant access for my login id. Isn\'t this wierd?

I may be wrong but what I want to discuss is why my login id did not have access to post any messages in first place. Of course this question is not for you guys but to the technicians who maintain this web site.