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The immigration bille just passed the senate


Registered Users (C)
Bill not Bille... sorrym typo
No surprise there, the senate is controlled by the Democrat. It has to pass the republican controlled chamber... And right now, the GOP tactic is to make a scandal everything Obma does so maybe they will help us for once... But I will honestly advice people here to start forgetting about the lottery and think about another way. Me it will be the E-2 visa
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Actually, it has only been passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. It still has to go to the Senate floor to be voted, which apparently will happen this month. It needs at least 60 votes to pass the Senate before going to the House. According to current reports, they don't yet have 60 guaranteed votes to pass in the senate, so nothing is certain at this stage.

You are right that the House is controlled by the Republicans, and news reports suggest they won't let this senate bill through easily. The House is also attempting to put their own bill together, which complicates matters further.
I will honestly advice people here to start forgetting about the lottery and think about another way.

I don't think it would affect DV2014 ... even if the DV lottery as a whole was going to be abolished eventually, I don't think they would bulldoze current cases.