Texas SESA hires contractor to clear LC backlog


Registered Users (C)
This looks like a separate effort to the DOL backlog reduction centers. Are any other states doing this? If not, why not?

According to a post on MSN the contractor is called Enterject.


Status of the LC Applications filed with the Texas Workforce Commission (03-24-2004)

On March 1, 2004, the Texas Workforce Commission began sending permanent labor certification applications to a contractor for processing. Applications transferred so far include the following:

Regular (non-waiver) Labor Certification cases filed 04/27/2001 and later

RIR Labor Certification cases filed 10/01/2003 and later

Special Handling Labor Certification cases filed 10/01/2003 and later

The Contractor is initially contacting all employers or their representatives to determine which cases may no longer be viable. Once this process has been completed, the cases will be processed in chronological order. Presumably the RIR and Special Handling cases will have a separate process from the regular cases.

from http://www.lewslaw.com/US_Immigration_Updates.htm#03242004b