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Successful CP in Bangkok, Thailand.


Registered Users (C)
Successful CP in Bangkok.

I arrived at 6:50am outside the embassy
Embassy officer checked my appointment letter before allowing me through this is a slow process as only person is doing all the checking.

Next I went through the x-ray (phone and handy drive were kept) then a short walk to the building for the visa entrance.
I was inside the visa office by 7:20am, went to window no.5 where is to submit my documents.

Within 10 mins officer came over to window 5 and called my name to submit my documents.

She then went through the checklist enclosed with the 2nd NL and asked for the documentation in that order with one copy. Note; She asked firstly for my educational documentation to qualify for this program that I had no record of distance learning system or adult education.
She collected all my documents and returned military record and X-ray to me.

She then gave me a slip of paper and asked me to pay the $775 (for a single application) and take a seat a while; I paid the $775 via my local currency which was cheaper than outside and received a receipt, and went through to window no.5 again to give it to her and waited about 2 hours for actual interview.
The lists of document I submit:
1. Birth certificate
2. Name change certificates
3. Police clearance certificate
4. All bank statements and letters from the bank
5. Bachelor Degree, Transcript of Bachelor Degree, Vocational High School Certificate and its transcript, Certificate of grade 1-9 (I gave her all.)
6. Military record (not used)
7. Household register
8. Work experience letter from present company
9. Medical Report
10. Present passport

There was a lovely young American lady and always smiled at me at window 7, who was going through all my documents. She took my fingerprints and let me sign in the form.
My actual interview was quite fast and asked me only 3 questions.
Consul : Please raise your right hand and swear that all document you submit is true.
Me: I swear.
Consul : Where and who will you live with in the united states?
Me: The address is in the application form.
Consul : What will you do in the United States:
Me: I will apply…….
Consul : How much do you have in your statement?
Me: xxxxxxx USD equivalent.
Consul : Good.
Good luck in US.
Then she gave me a little white paper to welcome me back on the next 3 days to pick up my immigrant visa.

I was out of the embassy by 10:10am (took just two hours) and yesterday I went to the embassy to pick up my visa.

I would like to thank you to everyone who help me.