Status disappeared from online system


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

The status for my receipt number is no longer listed on USCIS's online system. According to some of the messages that I have read on this forum, that could possibly mean that the file has been transferred to the local USCIS office. If that is indeed the case, does anyone have any experience as to how long the wait is between the status disappearing and the interview?

I applied to VSC and my local USCIS office is Boston.

That's a good sign. Most likely, within a week or two, you will recieve and interview letter. Keep us updated.
It is good to know you are getting your online case disappeared ( hence your interview soon ) within 4 months from FP. If we allow 7 days to get your letter and another 21 days for interview date, this means interview in 5 1/2 months from FP in Boston area. This is quite a good timeline. May be USCIS N-400 processing is improving!
I can only hope that you're right. I'll follow up with a post if/when I receive an interview notice from USCIS.

I haven't received anything from uscis yet. and it's been about 2 weeks since my status disappeared from the online system.

I have an overseas vacation plan during the last 2 weeks of the year and I pray that my interview won't fall on any of those days, should it happen this year. In any case, I fervently hope that the interview letter will come soon :D
It takes about three weeks to recieve the interview notification after the 'Online Status' disappearance. I am sure you will get plenty of time before the interview. Your vacations will be OK this year. Good luck!
How many days after the interview notice is received is the actual interview?
For instance, if I receive the interview notice today, will the actual interview be how many days/weeks/months later?
I called the National Customer Service Center to inquire about the status of my interview schedule, and was told that they have no way of checking the status of my N-400 application. Does that mean that I have to go to the local Boston office if I want more information about my case?

It will be more than a month. Atleast in my case, it was more than TWO months.

I think, now the process is in the hands of your local INS office. But note that some mail sent before thanksgiving are delayed. For example, I got a credit card statement yesterday 12/12. It had no "post office stamp" on it, but the credit company says it was sent out 11/24. So post office delays are a possibility too ...
I received my interview notification today, and the interview has been scheduled for the beginning of April 2004. That's a relatively long lead time, but I am glad that I at least know when that is going to take place.

In addition to the SS letter, the letter also stated that I should bring my passport and/or any other documents I used in connection with any entries to the US. By that, I presume that all they want is my travel document (i.e. passport). So, I'm just going to bring both my passports (one of them is expired) to the interview. I have all the visa stamps, but don't know if I can still find my I-20.

Thanks for all your advice and support!
online status

I don't beleive in online status,because i receive my interview letter friday and he never been update.

The online system does not get updated after your file is transferred to the local USCIS office. I believe that the online status disappears after the transfer is initiated.