Singapore CP thread


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everyone,

Is anyone going for CP in singapore? Please post your details in this thread. I don't see much info for CP in singapore, may be we can all share our experiences and keep this thread alive.

My details:

Packet3- review complete Aug12th.

Send a mail to saying you need PCC from Singapore for US permanent residency. They r generally very prompt in replying - I got reply within 2 hrs.
Best of luck!!
Hi Ranen,

I already got PCC from singapore. For the Indian PCC, I took from Indian consulate in NEwYork.

Should I also get a PCC from India? Please share your ideas.

Are you also going to singapore for CP?


My attorney told me that Local PCC from India is not required as long as one is currently in USA and has a PCC taken from the Indian Embassy here.

Was there any case where Singapore US consulated asked for the Local PCC along with the PCC from Indian Embassy in US ?
u r correct as far as inidan PCC is concerned.

I need to go to Mumbai for my CP interviews.

Previous experiance

My Packet3 was filed with Singapore US-Consulate in June2002 and waiting for the interview date. Can anyone who has completed the GC processing recently tell us how long does it take from Packet-3 filing to interview? Also please post your Consulate experiance in Singapore.

Please, follow - u will come to know pkt-3 processing time.
Cp in singapore

Thanks for the info.

My case details.

NVC rcvd completed pkt-3 July26th
Review complete Aug12th
NVC sent to consulate Aug20th
Reached consulate ??
Interview ??

When did your papers reach singapore?

Regarding PCC from India, I tried calling singapore US consulate, and spoke to some lady, She said I will need one from indian authorities also( i told her my passport is renewed in NY and my husband's passport issued in Hyderabad,India). She then said
for me the one from Indian embassy in NY is sufficient, but for my husband he needs to get one from Regional passport office(India) and from local authorities as well..

I am really confused as to what to do. Anyone with recent experiences with US consulate in singapore please post your details.

sgp_gc: Thanks for the info.

I do not know when my case reached US Consulate in Singapore, but it was filed on 24th June with them.

I'll send a mail to find more on this PCC issue. In my case me and my spouse have Indian passports never renewed so far. I shall post the message once I get reply from them.

I also sent mails to Singapore US consulate, no reply. Please update this thread once you get answer from them, or when you know your interview date.

Did you have to go through the process of NVC review and all that?

PCC issue

Looks like I did not have to go thru the NVC path after getting my Packet3. It was sent to the US consulate directly.

BTW I just received my Packet4 from Singapore and I'm scheduled for interview on Sep 17th.

I did talk to my attorney for this PCC and they strongly feel that getting the *same document with same content* from indian authorities from *two different places* is not required, but they are going to double-confirm about this.

Is there any case where some one is *asked* to present the Local-PCC from India despite giving PCC from US Indian Consulate? Looks like everyone by default carried it along with their other documents.

COngrats for getting pkt-3. I do agree with your logic that the PCC from Indian embassy in US should be sufficient. Let me know what the lawyers say!

One question: How did you know your case was filed with Us consulate on June24th? DId you mail them? ANy format?

I was told we will have 4 weeks before the interview date, looks like in your case you just have less than 3 weeks.

Please update this thread with your experiences.

If you want to take it offline, You can email me also @

Thanks and Regards,
My attorny e-mailed the consulate in Singapore about the PCC issue and I guess they did not get the reply so far. But I did not want to wait for the resolution of this issue, as I do not have enough time to react to the final outcome. So I went ahead & managed to get PCCs (for both of us) from local police station in India (one less headache :) ) But if I get a reply from them, I'll post it here.

Lawers kept me posted about all the happenings / filings. That is how I came to know about all the dates. Also they filed packet-3 with US Consulate in Singapore.

Usually one is supposed to get 45 days of notice, but I guess, in certain cases one can expect to get a notice of just 15 days. So get ready for these curcumstances too. Luckily I could book my tickets at a reasonable price in such a short notice, as not many people are willing to travel around sept. 11 time frame.

can you tell me how much time did it take for you to get a pcc from local police station in India? what is the procedure you followed? please tell me the format and at what level in the police dept should we get this letter from?

Did you get the PCC from any place in india? what does local police station mean? Currently my parents stay in hyderabd, do you think if I try to get one from hyderabad that is sufficient?

All the best for your interview, please update the forum with your experiences.

Thanks and Regards,
PCC from Local Police station

Actually the main theme here is "dealing with local police" (u know what I mean). My people managed to get PCCs in a day. So I think you should have no problems getting it from Hydrabad.

You will have to produce passport and birth certificate photo-copies to get this from the local police station. I used the same format that I got from Indian Embassy here.

How long does it take for packet-3 to reach consulate?

Hi all,

I checked with NVC and they told me that my papers have been sent to consulate on Aug20th. My consulate is singapore. I sent a mail to singapore US embassy a week back and got the reply just now, which states that they didnt receive my case as of sep16th.

ANy idea what is the timeframe? Thanks for your inputs.

Waiting for Interview experience from Newsy


It would be helpful if you can post your interview experience at SGP.

Eagerly looking forward for the details,

Thanks and Regards,