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Signature on forms 122 & 230?!


Registered Users (C)
Hi there
I'm sorry to have to start a thread for this question, but the search tool isn't coming back with the answer I need.

On the DV selectee page, it says Note: Each Form DS-230 Part II, Sworn Statement should be submitted unsigned.

This is oddly worded.. does it mean each form (DSP-122, 230 Part I AND Part II) is not signed?
Or just 230 Part II isn't submitted unsigned?

Thanks for any help :)
To my knowledge, After you print the Forms, You sign only DS-122, and keep the DS-230 unsigned .. You'll sign it in the interview.
This is oddly worded.
The word "each" refers to the case where the winner applies for visas for his whole family. In that case, there is a DS-230 for each family member, and each of those forms should be submitted unsigned.

Hi there
I'm sorry to have to start a thread for this question, but the search tool isn't coming back with the answer I need.

On the DV selectee page, it says Note: Each Form DS-230 Part II, Sworn Statement should be submitted unsigned.

This is oddly worded.. does it mean each form (DSP-122, 230 Part I AND Part II) is not signed?
Or just 230 Part II isn't submitted unsigned?

Thanks for any help :)

Dont sign the DS 230 form as you will do that on the day of your interview.
Make sure you sign the first part of DS-230! Primary applicant (the winner) needs to sign DS-122 and DS-230 PART I. DS-230 PART II stays unsigned! All family members need to fill and sign DS-230 PART I while the PART II stays unsigned.

If someone tells you not to sign DS-230 they are not entirely correct! You are supposed to sign PART I but not PART II. Makes sense?