Should 2 Yrs HRR be continuous


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Is it necessary that 2 years home residency should be done continuously?
or someone could do it in breaks in five years.

More Questions on 2 Year HRR

If no records to prove one has satisfied with that 2 Year HRR, what could happen to him? He can never AOS, or deportation from U.S. :confused:
As far as I know in the I 485 application there will be a question about: are you subject to 2 year HRR and have you obtained a waiver or did you spend time in your home country?! Then you should say that you served waiver or show evidence on paper that you spent 2 years cumulative in your home country! probably arrival and departure records form passport, employment record and pay slips from your home country or something comparable should be furnished! This issue will be touched probably in your interview as well either at INS district office or Consulate for GC! We have a Physcian on J1 to O1 visa who spends 6 months in Pakistan (hOme) six months here as an attending and hopes to complete in 4 years!!!!!!!!!!!