Serious ID problems...


Registered Users (C)

There is a very serious problem on this board! Some how when people post they are getting wrong IDs! It happened to me at least 5 times so far! I mean when some one else posted the message got my ID! Can some one look into this?

Here are some of the links to those posts (that happened recently)..
PCee "Our 485\'s got approved per AVM" 3/8/02 10:05am
PCeeTmp "==> AUGUST 2001 thread for I-485 Mailers to CSC (from 02/19/2002)" 3/4/02 3:48pm

It could be because people go to summary pages I posted ( ), which has some links to threads on this board, or may be because I post so many messages and some how the software is getting confused!

Thanks a lot