selective service


Registered Users (C)
anybody that failed to register for whatever reason and encountered any problems with IO or never had any problems please post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank u very much !
how is INS dealing with people that failed to register due to not knowing (ex: arrival illegal ,granted legal status after 26th birthday (that was the time i was informed to register ))
No Title

Why don\'t we sue Selective Service Administration for
not making this request famous enough? I never see
a TV ad or ad of any kind that ask males between 18
and 26 to register. Do high school teachers teach
that to high school students? After 9-11, I once
read a military serviceman\'s article complaining
American kids not being tough enough as a result
of not allowing parents to spank them and stating
most of kids here do not know they have to register
with Selective Service
No Title

amer....... thanx for ur concern
 i hope one day u\'ll have lots of kids and u could spank them as much as u want , make sure u don\'t leave any marks .... its not a good thing

anybody that had any experiences please share ....
Selective Services

Hi there,
There is no specific way out of this really. I think the INS likes the fact that it has this winning card against immigrants who didn\'t register, and hence violated, with the Selective Services. It\'s one option for them to send you home and give you more grief. If I were you, I would contact the Selective Services as many times as it takes and try to explain to them why I should be excused. Try working with them, you never know, it might work out for you. The other option I see is to explain your excuse the IO and hope he/she will be forgiving. You might also want to consider consulting with a lawyer first.

Good luck
No Title

No you did\'t need to register because you were on H1 and you were
past 26 years old when you got the GC.

See the "who must register" chart at the Selective Service System government site.

I wonder since Nixon reinstated SS in 1980, if anyone has been
prosecuted and convicted for not registering with SSS
Do i need to register?

I was 25 when I entered the US on a H1 visa and was 29 when my GC got approved. Did I need to register for Selective Service? Is there going to be any problem if I seek citizenship? Thanks for any advice...

Your case sounds kind off like mine. You only need a letter from the SS saying that you were not rewuired to register. Just fill out the application and explain in it that you don\'t think you were required to. They will then send you a letter stating that you\'re excused. Use that for the N400.

Good luck.
MOst of the time they register you automatically as it was my case. I di not even know that I was registered till last year and I have been in the country for 10 years. What you need to do is call the Selective service and give your name to make sure they do not have it if they don't then just a request a letter like the previous people say ad you should be alright! I have a huge post about this and I have posted all the info as well just click on my name and just follow the post it has all you need to know!
Requesting a letter from the SS stating that you did not have to register due to the age limitation is definitely an overkill. You only need to show IO that you became an LPR after you turned 26. From the N-400 form itself, it will become quite obvious whether you had to register or not.
Your case sounds kind off like mine. You only need a letter from the SS saying that you were not rewuired to register. Just fill out the application and explain in it that you don\'t think you were required to. They will then send you a letter stating that you\'re excused. Use that for the N400.

Good luck.

Yes. It is taking 2 months to get the SS letter...
Requesting a letter from the SS stating that you did not have to register due to the age limitation is definitely an overkill. You only need to show IO that you became an LPR after you turned 26. From the N-400 form itself, it will become quite obvious whether you had to register or not.

Having a SS letter doesn't hurt anyway. It's free also.
But it is taking 2 months to receive the letter from SS office.
I suggest apply for it only if you have at least one month before interview. I am sure you won't get it before that.
Having a SS letter doesn't hurt anyway. It's free also.
It does not hurt and it absolutely does not help, so why waste your time? How hard is it for the IO to subtract the date of birth from the date of becoming an LPR to check that the difference is indeed greater than 26? Why involve an agency (SS) that you had nothing to do with in the first place? :rolleyes: