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Security Clearance has been finished


Registered Users (C)
Our security name check has been completed last Thursady after 11 weeks. 11 weeks full of nightmere and doubt but finally it came :D . They told us in the embassy that it normally will take between 4-6 weeks. We will go to US embassy next Tuseday to get the visa.
similar case

mr. bahar whats your number, aproximately of course, and when you ve had interview. i am waiting for security clearance since my intervew on february 2nd 2006.still nothing.
so i am interested in your case very much.
Do they keep your passport at the US embassy during Security clearance process? Thanks for letting me know.
srbija said:
mr. bahar whats your number, aproximately of course, and when you ve had interview. i am waiting for security clearance since my intervew on february 2nd 2006.still nothing.
so i am interested in your case very much.

My Friend, first of all I would like to tell you that I am "MRS" not "MR" :p . Our number was AS39XX. We are from Iran and we had our interview on 11th of March in US consulate in Turkey. The person who interviewed told us that the procedure will take (normally) 4 to 6 weeks or even 8 weeks. After 8 weeks I sent e-mail to them and ask to send follow up for Washington. It is the thing which they themselves advised in their website. They wrote me back very next day while mentioning according to Washington our case needs extended period of time to get cleared :confused: It was like nigthmere to me and thank God it had been finished. Why you don't contact the embassy? and where are you come from?
Kari77 said:
Do they keep your passport at the US embassy during Security clearance process? Thanks for letting me know.

Dear Kari 77,

They could not keep our passport during the Security Clearance as we are Iranian and we do not have US embassy in Iran so we traveled to Turkey for the interview and for returning to home we required our passport. Are you stuck in FBI name check? Where are you come from?
sorry bahar

i am in contact with embassy staff weekly.and always same story.they are telling me i have to wait and they dont know anything more.last time i called consular officer told me that he will ask consul to send my application again.
so if they dont finish security clearence soon /within 2 months probably i will not take my visa...shit happens but i hope there is still chance and 2 months to get it.who and to what address you contacted in washington. maybe i could try same too.
Actually I did not contacted Washington as they will not reply to us. The embassy should contact them to get aware about each person's status. In our case the embassy wrote me that they receive e-mail from Washinton about our case and so on.....

The weired thing is that why should you send your application again? Do they miss it?
Bahar said:
Our security name check has been completed last Thursady after 11 weeks. 11 weeks full of nightmere and doubt but finally it came :D . They told us in the embassy that it normally will take between 4-6 weeks. We will go to US embassy next Tuseday to get the visa.

How did you find out about the name check beeing done?

Dear Afraid

After our security check has been done our case number published in consulate website where we had interview.
what site

hey Bahar, what is the exact website published from a consulate where the cleared case numbers have been showed.


hi guys
after 17 weeks of security clearance consular officer asked me to give a writen statement about my travels abroad during last 3 years.i gave it but i still dont know how long this new measure will delay further procedure.
and the best thing is that consular officer doesnt know either...
Name Check

danijelabnza said:
hey Bahar, what is the exact website published from a consulate where the cleared case numbers have been showed.


hey, as our interview was in Ankara (Turkey), I used to check the official website of US consulate in Ankara. There is section there "Security Clearance" which will be up dated weekly. When our case number has been shown (after 10 weeks), we travelled to Turkey and went to embassy ( as we are Iranian, so there is no US embassy here), delivered our passport and they gave visa and sent back our passports with UPS post to our hotel. It was all the procedure my friend. But I think each consulate has its own procedure and the way of informing although the rule should be same in all embassies. Good luck ;)
Anybody Knows Something About

srbija said:
hi guys
after 17 weeks of security clearance consular officer asked me to give a writen statement about my travels abroad during last 3 years.i gave it but i still dont know how long this new measure will delay further procedure.
and the best thing is that consular officer doesnt know either...

hi guys
after 17 weeks of security clearance consular officer asked me to give a writen statement about my travels abroad during last 3 years.i gave it but i still dont know how long this new measure will delay further procedure.
and the best thing is that consular officer doesnt know either...