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scam email


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

i received this email today, it is a total scam.

The Official UNAIR/U.S VISA Lottery ProgramUnited States Department of State, National Visa Center32 Rochester Ave, Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909
Case Number: DV196BKK2008 Foreign State Chargeability: Asia-Pacific June -07-2008
Attention: Winner. You have been selected as one of the lucky winners of the U.S Visa through our internet balloting email extracting and screening machine, your application was applied and processed by our internet balloting email extracting and screening machine which randomly extracts and screens 50 thousand of emails addresses around the world. This visa program is held annually as part of our New Year lottery programmed to give free easy U.S Visas to citizens of developing countries around the world to enable them travel to the U.S and start a new life and work. The U.S Department of Citizenship Immigration released millions of US visas till the end of the year program. All the selected lucky winners will get the constant legal status of the U.S inhabitant, an opportunity of free country entrance and departure, the right to be working in the USA legally and getting American Salary, Green Card holders also receive health, education, retirement, taxation, social security and other benefits. Your visa type permits you to travel
They show their address in Bangkok, right..? Forward this mail to KCC to take an action against this kind of scam emails..
this email is sent out by the million, I am sure. KCC will not be able to do anything about it. They are just a processing center for DV applications.