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Rugby in USA ?


Registered Users (C)
I used to literally live and breathe Rugby before going over to USA.

As we all know, here in USA nobody gives a toss what Rugby is and never even surfaces on free to air TV here

But with Rugby World Cup this year in Sept, can anybody tell me what paid channels in USA will be broadcasting these games live here in USA if any?

If theres none, i might just have to go back to NZ for 1 month



well as we know rugby does toss as it's a game for tossers, aussie rules is the go! next you will want to watch a game of cricket! BORING why dont you adapt and get into the thrilling games of american footbal and baseball now that u are here!
of course Im jokin, welcome
Well you know American football makes no sense to me...they seem to run everywhere like Aussie rules :D and dunno why american football has all this pads they wear...like a bunch of sisies!...i am sure if we have them play rugby...they'll 'timeout' on every single bruise!!!

Oh well i am sure i will find a Rugby channel here and maybe eventually get into American football....But definitely not baseball....thats Gay! :p