RFE on Marriage Certificate...Plz.Help


Registered Users (C)
My wife got RFE on Marriage Certificate. USCIS got our Church Certificate. But they need registered Marriage Certificate from the Government. I don't have that. But we have Notarized Marriage Affidavit. My wife used this Marriage Affidavit to get the H4 Visa.

Will this be ok? Anyone had similar experience? Ours got transferred from CSC to NSC.

I am assuming you got married in USA.
Registered marraige certificate is generally applied by the church directly and it should have come to you in mail from your local town/city/county office
Church will give you the certificate to hold on and they apply for the certificate directly to the city.
If you did not get it you better contact them and pay the required fee. They will send it any where you want.

My suggestion get on it ASAP and reply to the query ASAP to get your GC in this Quota.
Got married in India

I got married in India. I have only Church Certificate and Marriage Affidavit from India. Anyone in similar situation or any knowledge about this kind of scenario?

I got married in India. I have only Church Certificate and Marriage Affidavit from India. Anyone in similar situation or any knowledge about this kind of scenario?


You can get a certificate from Marriage Registrar in India that your marriage was never registered as per their records and obtain two affidevits from friends/family, who attended your marriage ceremoney to confirm that the marriage took place. I am pretty sure, if you search thru this site, you will get sample affidevit text. If it's possible, get it registered now in India and get the late registration certificate with the affidevits. This should be sufficient.

As always, Attorney would be the best source to help you in your legal matters. We can only give you friendly advice. Not a legal one.