Returning resident permit for canada


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Hello- did any one took Returning resident permit for canada because of
studying abroad. I got Permanent residence from that time i was in USA and the six month window is expiring. i need to get Returning resident permit based on studying abroad.
my question is : what documents will they ask.

ya, i\'ve done that before

it\'s very simple, just go to canadian consulate, fill in the application, submit along with your passport, your canadian PR landing paper, your valid I-20
it takes about 1 hour to get (in LA)
also you could mail the application (i am not sure whether should mail original passport and I-20 or copies are just fine, pls check with their website)
application fee is $50

but this year, when i try to apply the return permit again with H1-b, i was rejected. The reason the officer gave is: i didn\'t actually establish the residency in Canada, since i\'ve never lived there ( i just went there for a couple of days when landing)
Whether or not I will be allowed to enter canada with my landing paper as PR would depend on the custom offier. (or i could also surrender the PR, if i want to go to Canada again, just apply a normal visa )
Thanks for the reply

Thanks for the reply. I am in the same boat i never went stayed in canada for long time only couple of days.But my passport did not got stamped when i entered USA this is before sep 11. this is my first time Reterning permit to apply.and i want to apply for basis of doing education in india. from next year 2002.
returning resident permit

I heared that if i did not stayed in canada they probabliy reject my
returning resident permit. and i want to apply for education.
any suggestions.
Question for J Tan

When did you process your returning resident permit in LA?

The current processing time through the New York consulate is 6 to 12 WEEKS.
No Title

the first time i applied return permit was in 1999, at that time, i was a full time F1 student, my I-20 is valid till May 2001. I applied at canadian consulate in LA (went there directly, submit material, wait for about 1 hours, then got it)
then I renew the permit in 2000 with the same I-20, but at that day, seems like the person in charge in the consulte was not there, so i was told that they will mail the new permit to me. It arrived about 1 month later

but this year, when i applied again use H1-b (i already graduated), they said i need to be interviewed, in the interview, many questions are asked, like when did u landing, how long did u stay, when did u graduate, why not find a job in canada... do i have property and connection in Canada, blah blah,.. then finally, the interviewer told me she could not approve the return permit
:( wasted 50 bucks!

i think i\'m gonna give up this PR, since very unlikely i will live there for 2-3 years
Once the c-11 is passed then things are different.

I read somethings are changing for returning resident permits. Either way, you can check the group named Canada - moving, working.. etc at the bottom of the main page. And this is not the right grp to get answers for these questions as the title says.
Careful about this

I have talked with several attorneys about RRP and they advise aginst it if on H-1B here in U.S. I landed in Canada in 98 and went back after 6 months without permit thru Detroit and everything was OK.

After Landing in Canada, get DL, Health Card, open bank a/c..these things will help establish "intent" for residency..