Recieved PR & SIN cards


Volunteer Moderator
First time Landed on Nov 28th
Applied for PR cards on Nov 28th at the time of landing
Applied for SIN cards on Nov 29th
Recieved SIN cards a Jan 16th
Recieved PR cards on Feb 4th at the address given in Canada by mail.

Good Luck Guys...
Hi canus_immi

I remember that you landed by your own car but did not register it. I'd like to know if u declared ur car when u landed?

If so, did u received a letter sent by RIV? How did u handle it ?Because there were additional fines and penalties if you did not complete the inspction.

Congratulations canus on getting PR card. So now you are PR of canada.

hey you landed in november 2002. My question to you is do you have to pay taxes in canada for 2002, since you landed in 2002. If yes, do you know which forms to fill it out.

Actually our immigration conusltants told that they have recieved our cards . but they received my PR card and our SIN cards , it is mistake