REAL GUEST Act of 2005# no future in US

I dont know where you got this document from , but if it comes alive, there would be no one willing to work in the US under these conditions. Let us build our own country than building someone's, who treats us as slaves who can be bought when needed and sent back when not needed.
Can you please let us know where you got this document from?

It talks about setting up some sort of HQ at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Why? Also, there is a reference to some "Cameron University"???? Strange....

Dont worry. Everyone knows that Tancredo is a racist asshole.I bet Majority of the congress wont even read this bill let alone vote on it.

gcseeker2002 said:
I dont know where you got this document from , but if it comes alive, there would be no one willing to work in the US under these conditions. Let us build our own country than building someone's, who treats us as slaves who can be bought when needed and sent back when not needed.
What is this act

Hey guys,
I think the person who did this might be the real terrorist group leader,the meaning of this act and instructions is making terrorism on H1 and other hard working immigrants.
Once if this comes to act, each and every H1(meaning of H1 is hard working legal immigrants)will curse the person and will fly back to our sweet home country and can be happy with more projects and good salaries with our families.

This act will be blood sucking act for all H1 and other legal immigrants.

This is true guys............

We are calculating day to day life here with this bloddy idiot immigration rules...........
Let this pass. Whoo-hoo!

...and there goes IT, biotech, pharma, universities, you name it...

...not to mention that issue of who's gonna fund the social security when baby boomers retire. My prediction is that things might get worse for potential immigrants short term, but they will get better on long-term basis (10 years or so).

And the cynical part of me sez - ain't gonna happen. Who's gonna keep immigration lawyers employed, then (not intended as a slam - I am more than happy with the representation I received - more like a generic cynicism)?
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