Questions about F1 Visa


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Im completely confused by all this. My mother is a US Citizen, My dad a permanent resident. My sister and I are 34 and 29 respectively. We filed back in June 2001 for F1 Visas. In March 2002 I flew in on a six month tourist visa. I sent forms to chnage status. The INS lost them. Thankfully they were filled in and sent from a US Senators office. So I have their word that they where filled out correcty and timely. To this date I have still heared nothing my visa is still in limbo. In that time I have not worked. I recently met someone and we want to get married. Im not sure if I am eligable to marry because right now I am basically Illegal but through no fault of my own. I dont want to break any laws I just need to know what my options are here. Thank you for any information you can give me.

F1 visa is a student visa, and does not allow work, except in certain instances with approval. It's also a nonimmigrant visa (as is the tourist visa)--does not allow immigrant intent. With one parent as a U.S. citizen, they probably inferred that you have immigrant intent.

People who enter legally but become illegal can file to adjust status if they marry American citizens.
F1 - is family 1st preference....unmarried sons and daughters of a US citizen over age 21........ or am I going nuts? Cari
F1 is student visa. Sounds like your family is applying for a green card for you, in the, as you said, family first preference category.
Okay that explains that for that....Any idea where I go from here?
Cariad said:
Okay that explains that for that....Any idea where I go from here?

You entered legally, so go ahead and get married if your spouse is a U.S. citizen. You can adjust status through him. It might be quicker than waiting for your green card through your mother. If he's not a U.S. citizen, then you're probably better off waiting to marry until after you have the green card to meet the qualifications of the category.
Okay that helps me...............thank you. But wont I need to prove im here legally to get married at all?

My sister is in the same position, except she came in on a 90 day waiver. She was told by officials when she entered that she could not fly in and out on the 90 day wiaver more than once. By this time we had given up everything back there, she wasnt working any way she has a baby and was just gonna fly in and out until her visa was avaialble. She filed at the senators office for papers to extend her stay also. Same position they lost them, senators office will vouch for her too. Can she do the same thing?

Thank you so much for the Cari
As far as I know (I'm not a lawyer), there is no federal requirement that the authorities issuing marriage licenses ask for social security numbers or immigration status. However, the requirements are state and local matters, and may vary accordingly--some localities may not issue you a marriage license without an SSN.
I guess I better make an appointment with Elvis in Vegas Seriously though can you just go to a different state to marry?
Sure--you just have to meet whatever requirements they have for marriage, including residency requirements. I believe they're minimal in NV, which is why it's such a popular place to get married (and divorced).
Thank you Mr Alex, what about my sister is the same option open to her? Her sistuation is in the post above. Thank you
I don't know what the situation is when someone enters using a visa waiver program. From what I've read, there are different rules.