question on transit visa


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hi evry body i have a quick question. i will be travelling to india via london using my advance parole and acording to the new rules a transit visa is needed for changing flights. jus wanted to know whether i will also need this transit visa as there is nothing given in the website about whether people traveling using A.P needs this. thanks
Yes, you will need a transit visa. AP is not considered a valid visa, and transit visa requirement is waived only if one has a valid US visa.
hey thanks for the quick reply jus wanted to know whether i need to go to the british consulate for the visa or can i jus send it by mail to them. anybody who has any experience with this pls let me know ASAP. thanks
if u go personally, its sme day thing

I went at 8:30 AM and was out by 10AM with the visa on the passport. if you live in NYC, its easy to do it personally and get done in front of u.
hi ksnm did u first fill in the online form and take an appointment or jus walked in the british consulate.
If a person has a valid H1B visa in his passport, but he is travelling on AP, still does he need transit visa? How does the London people know that the person is travelling on AP or on H1-B?

While departing from USA, we dont need to show anything. While coming back I think the airline will know that on AP they need a transit visa for this stop over in London.

May be we need the transit visa.

Another thing is Air India stop over is 2 hrs in London. And they allow the passengers to sit in without getting off the plane.

So in this case do we need the transit visa?
The only place where anyone cares about a visa or AP it is when you enter US. If you have a valid visa stamp in your passport, you do not need a transit visa in London. What you do with your visa upon entering US is entirely upto you.
Visit Visa

I read on the website that if we change the airports then we need a visit visa? Is this correct?

Anyway, I'm on H1 visa and have the visa stamped on my passport too. Will I need a transit visa?

My sister has Advance parole, and EAD, but her visa is expored.. Will she need the transit and Visit visa?

Please guide..

Thank you