question not related to immigration- any advice helpful

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hi- i know this is an immigration forum but i am in a little crisis and could use some input. i have got great advice for immigration related matters from here so if anyone has some suggestions please let me know.

i have to sell my husband's car- he's overseas. we have a great offer/good people etc. i cant find the title deed. we live in connecticut and the dmv can issue a duplicate title deed the very same day.

how can i get it on his behalf if i want it the same day ? also should i get a power of attorney from him in order to sell the car?

You'll probably need power of attorney and get a duplicate title from DMV. Call them up and ask them about it.
Lots of times foreign power of attorneys(notary) are not valid unless accompanied by an apostille. Check with DMV if they accept that or require an apostille. Or if he is a us citizen, he can execute a power of attorney in front of a u.s consul.
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