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I talk to a friend who has also won the lottery 2012 but he is very worried and i hope the house will help him on this.. He failed in science and had a d7 in maths and e8 in english. He also had a diploma in business studies.. Since he doesnt not have a credit in english and maths but have a diploma in business studies, will that saves him out ?

Please help me tell this guy something because he is very worried

I talk to a friend who has also won the lottery 2012 but he is very worried and i hope the house will help him on this.. He failed in science and had a d7 in maths and e8 in english. He also had a diploma in business studies.. Since he doesnt not have a credit in english and maths but have a diploma in business studies, will that saves him out ?

Please help me tell this guy something because he is very worried


@dafford1z, the basic requirement for the DVLOTTERY is just ur HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. Ur friend not having MATHS and ENGLISH is a very big problem. He might be denied his visa if he presents that result. Inrespective of the fact that he has a diploma in Business Studies does not change anything.His Diploma is not relevant in this case cos the CO will focus on his O'LEVEL. He may not make it let me be sincere with u, but if God is on his side, maybe they can wave it, but its 50/50 chance.
@dafford1z These re wat i strongly knw.
1.If ur friend had gotten admission in d higher institution like university wt d result in Maths D7 n English E8 plus his/her sch transcript n diploma in business studies den i think he/she wud av been consider 4 s visa waiver.But 4 d fact dat he/she had ordinary diploma in business studies den i think d chances wud b 30/100.But anythn cud still happen if he/she has good grades or distinctions in he/her diploma maybe wt some special consideration maybe if he/she is in d university den it wud b a different issue 2 b considered.
1.4 d fact dat he/she cud used d result 2 entered d university which means he/she had met d merit requirement 4 o/level 4 admission.
2.plus he/she sch transcript of result if d results re of good grades like distinctions in almost of all courses offer.D CO wud looked at he/she distinctions/ if he/she had been in distinctions.
These re wat i knw dat d CO wud look at or consider 4 a visa waiver.
Thanks so much

Thank you so much for your explanation. I'll try and see how best I can explain things to him.
I responded to this somewhere else, I believe - and I have not seen anywhere they care about what grades you got. The Diploma in Business ... of course supersedes the KCSE certificate, and I would submit both if possible. I have personally never been asked for the High School Diploma coz I have something above it, and I never submitted it this time with my package, or in the past...but that doesnt mean that it has not been asked for. Grades - I dont think they care!

Oh, they do care.Last November one of my guys got denial just because no credit in English Langauge and O'level happened to be his highest educational achievement.

So this guy should have told KCC (at DSP DS forms) his is a Diploma, so that he will say the same at the Embassy. If not I smell denial.
I once told @dafford1z in d other thread 2 tell dat friend of her s 2 inform or email d embassy or consula or KCC abt dis issue immidietaly or perhaps call dem n table d issue or rigor b4 dem n see wat dey av 2 say abt d whole issue.Dat watever d embassy or consula or KCC says it final or instructions given he/she shud follow,so dat he/she dnt go n waste he/her hard earn money 2 process a visa.D ealier d better 4 him/her 2 knw his/her faith or nxt step.

There will not be much chance to get the GC for your friend.

High School diploma incl. English and math and both needs to be finished successfully.