Q re oath at Chicago


Registered Users (C)
We have our oath schedule in Chicago next week. 2 Qs

Do they allow kids as we have hard time finding babysitter at 6.30 in the morning

Any tell of experience would be welcome

(hey any chicago gang like RSV, SAMP, Bilent, Chicagodesi still visit this site. I know I was last to have oath in our said group).
Yes. I have seen people with kids at the Oath Ceremony. Actually if the childrens are below 18, they become the citizen on the same day and they can also raise their hand to take the oath.

By the way ho wmuch time it took you to get the oath letter?

Congratulations again.
Any one who went to interview in chicago in the month of april got the oath letter.Please update on this if you have any info.