Proud to be an American - Atlanta DO


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If listening to "Proud to be an American" lyrics at the Oath cermony is moving then it is all about "Proud to be an American".

Finally, My journey to be an american after 19 years has come to an end.
If any one has any doubts about Atlanta DO's capabilities on customer service please do not hesistate think as them in a positive way that they are "the best".
Went to oath cermoney last friday at 12 PM, scheduled to be started at 1PM.
Watching CNN on a big screen may not be exiting as getting naturalized but the time passed by so quikcly. At 1 PM an officer walked into our row (first row) and asked for the letter and the green card and asked the same questions that we are supposed to be filled in on the back of the oath cermony letter. (checking in process)
Around 2 PM we were called in to the cermony room asked us to check the naturlization certificate for any errors and asked us to sit on the chairs with numbers given to us.
Meanwhile, all of the visitors that were sent to 3rd floor came back to second floor and have them joined us in the room.
A nice and beautiful officer walked up to the stage and given a nice speech and she was very emotional and asked our vistiors that they can stand up and take pictures wile we were taking Oath (very nice).
Finally she announced please listen to "Your president", then here comes Mr.Bush and the "Proud to be an American" ...

Overall it was the best experiance and customer service is excellent at Atlanta DO.

thanks to all.