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Pregnancy during medical exam


Registered Users (C)
Hi all
if I am pregnant when I reach the medical exams- do I have to do the x-ray? can I pospnd it ?
or will it hurt my changed to get the visa? same for the medical shots that need to be done
Hi all
if I am pregnant when I reach the medical exams- do I have to do the x-ray? can I pospnd it ?
or will it hurt my changed to get the visa? same for the medical shots that need to be done

No need to postpone the exam - no doctor is going to do anything to hurt you or your baby so no need to worry. For the shots, the doctor will advise what to do. If you are not already pregnant you might want to see your doctor and get up to date on whatever shots you need. You can get a list of what shots the doctor will be thinking about.

If you are really worried then you could see the panel doctor early and make a plan on how to avoid shots during your pregnancy. You might need to pay twice that way, but it might be the best option.
If you have records of the inoculations that are newer than 10 years, then you shouldn't need new ones. The two we had to take for our region were MMR, and Adacel Quadra.

The doctor will just make a note that you are pregnant and cannot take an xray or inoculation, and it will just become a requirement of your entry that you get the inoculation as soon as possible after the pregnancy.