Predicted Priority Dates for final quarter of FY2005

rrajendr said:
Ok, I can participate in it as well. I guess if we have the backups of bigger tech corporations things will work out much easily. Afterall heavy push will help. I remember a friend of mine from Msoft, Cisco were looking into this as well, I will ask their assistance and see if we could raise a univoice on it.

Ready for anything which can get my GC before OCT :) I am in.
rrajendr said:
Ok, I can participate in it as well. I guess if we have the backups of bigger tech corporations things will work out much easily. Afterall heavy push will help. I remember a friend of mine from Msoft, Cisco were looking into this as well, I will ask their assistance and see if we could raise a univoice on it.

Ready for anything which can get my GC before OCT :) I am in.

PD Oct16 02
End of Retro.. if both we and EMPLOYERS try


We all know that we are (Tech Guys) in big trouble. So let us STOP predicting what could happen by just sitting. We have to give our best shot and we will win.

Oneside we have to try ourself and otherside we have to get support from our EMPLOYERS. In present situation without EMPLYERS support it is very difficult ot win.

Please talk to your EMPLOYERS and ask them to send letters/email to Congress.

Guys what you think..
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Will it help

But will emailing or writting to senators/congressmen help improving immigration numbers situation? Do you guys think they will be favoring foreigners to get their GC's? Offcourse I know this country is made with immigrants but in current job market situation do you guys think that they will be ready to take the initiative to fight for higher immigration numbers jeopardising their image among their citizens? Only time will tell.
It will

the nurses situation got escalated because of employees , employers and attorneys and interest groups did put pressure to the law makers so they made the change.
similarly we have to do some thing similar as well
CAN WE GET A LETTER DRAFTED ? will any one's lawyer help to do that
then we can attach it to the forum people can douwnload it and put their details in it and sign it and send it via mail.
pls help in getting a letter drafted
/s now has the ticker scrolling for 6/15/2005.."McCain Kennedy" bill. I believe now shusterman's focus will be on this bill. I also believe that Rajeev/Murthy/Shusterman should help us out to draft a letter and how our concerns can be heard. May be Rajeev can have the same Journalist write our stories and impact of the retrogression in our lives. May be we all can get together and pay their fees for the letter/guidance/stratagy/and any help we can get. Without a doubt, our voice needs to be heard and there is no better time to make a noise than now.
I saw a similar effort happening a month back in another forum. I have asked them to join us or assist us in the effort. Please refer to the below url for details. Probably we draft a letter similar to theirs and attach it and hire a lawyer to present the case along with a media person to show it to have some impact. I am ready to pool in with some money to have that done.
I Am With You Guys Full Support


rrajendr said:
I saw a similar effort happening a month back in another forum. I have asked them to join us or assist us in the effort. Please refer to the below url for details. Probably we draft a letter similar to theirs and attach it and hire a lawyer to present the case along with a media person to show it to have some impact. I am ready to pool in with some money to have that done.
Why not Hire Rajiv

Why not we Hire Rajiv only for this purpose. He is the best bet available in this country right now. what do you guys say?
Have sent the following mail to
As participants in the consular processing forum we are discussing a way to draw the attention of senators and congressmen to the worsening retrogression problem by sending them a petition. We are hoping to also gather support for "The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 (McCain-Kennedy) (S.1033/H.R.2330)"
Would it be possible for Mr Rajiv Khanna to help us in drafting a petition for this? We are aware of the consistent and invaluable help that Mr Khanna provides to the immigrant community as is obvious in your webpage Hence we would like to request his help in this regard.

Would help if more participants can support it
Wonderful Job

Wonderful job in writting to Rajiv's office. Lets wait and see if you get any reply from them. Good work.
Need a united Front

LaborCleared said:
Wonderful job in writting to Rajiv's office. Lets wait and see if you get any reply from them. Good work.

Does anyone know how to contact Rajiv or any other Lawyer directly. I have said in earlier post in another thread that we need to pose a united front. Writing to Senator/Congressman separately is not going to help much.
We need to take the Nurses example, although its not possible to get such a strong lobbying as they have. Our cases are different and it is going to be very difficult for us to be heard.

This forum is hosted by Rajiv and he seems to have done a lot before for similar causes. Something really extra needs to be done and only a united front is going to help. I have no clue how to initiate this.
neocor said:
We need to take the Nurses example, although its not possible to get such a strong lobbying as they have.

In 2000 for AC-21 software people had Y2K in the hand. Now nurses have Iraq issue. We need to find one.
Employers should be involved

I guess we should be able to involve our employers. Without their participation and their lobbying I dont think there will be much movement in this regard. All of us writting same kind of emails to few immigration attorneys including Rajiv may not take us anywhere. Again if big companies involve in this matter then only our problems will be heard. Desi consulting companies will not have much say and also they do not want to involve because this situation is best interest for their business. In my opinion big tech companies should get involved showing that their business is getting affected which inturn is affecting US economy in general. They should also be able to prove that US is loosing out to other nations if this issue could not be fixed.

I am not an attorney. Just my opinions.
Sent a mail to webmaster1 (Rajiv)

Sandeep_N said:
Agree with you. Have already tried to contact Mr. Khanna thru and by mailing to .
Would help if others show support on this forum and try to initiate contact in other ways too.

I just sent a mail to reqesting Rajiv to take up the iissue in way that he thinks is correct.
Does Rajiv read the mail direclty?
I hope something starts soon on this.
LaborCleared said:
I guess we should be able to involve our employers. Without their participation and their lobbying I dont think there will be much movement in this regard. All of us writting same kind of emails to few immigration attorneys including Rajiv may not take us anywhere. Again if big companies involve in this matter then only our problems will be heard. Desi consulting companies will not have much say and also they do not want to involve because this situation is best interest for their business. In my opinion big tech companies should get involved showing that their business is getting affected which inturn is affecting US economy in general. They should also be able to prove that US is loosing out to other nations if this issue could not be fixed.

I am not an attorney. Just my opinions.

I agree with you that employers need to be actively involved in order for this to work. However the plain truth is that not many employers will be ready to spend time for this. It will be a great help if the big guns take interest.
Offcourse writing E-Mails to attorneys is not going to solve anything, its just a begining. We need someone behind whom the whole EB3 community can rally.
What can big companies do on their own unless they too combine their efforts like what the Nurses lobby did.
We need to start somewhere and at the sametime explore all the options. Whoever thinks that their company will be eager to fight for this they should approach their companies also.