PR renewal


Registered Users (C)
My wife came to canada in 2005 and became landed immigrant 2005 itself.
later in 2006 we moved to US.

now my question is

1. Her PR status is expiring in 2010. need to apply for her renewal.but she stayed only 1yr3months in canada.. will it be a problem in renewal?

2. what is the fees ? thr any chance of her application getting rejected for renewal?

If she has been out of canada three years (ie. 1095 nights) since her PR was awarded, her PR has already lapsed. No doubt hse was told of the importance of maintaining her PR eligibilty be actually spending enough time in Canada.
If she is still under that total, she needs to go back now and stay there until her renewal time, otherwise her status and next entry will be denied, never mind renewal.

In any event, this is not a TN question, and not even a US immigration Q, so I suggest asking on a Cdn immigration forum.
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If she has been out of canada three years (ie. 1095 nights) since her PR was awarded, her PR has already lapsed. No doubt hse was told of the importance of maintaining her PR eligibilty be actually spending enough time in Canada.
If she is still under that total, she needs to go back now and stay there until her renewal time, otherwise her status and next entry will be denied, never mind renewal.
This is not entirely correct. If you are a Canadian citizen and your wife is accompanying you outside of Canada, then her permanent resident status is always maintained. You can check out the following site from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Scroll down to Time spent outside of Canada section. Good luck.

In any event, this is not a TN question, and not even a US immigration Q, so I suggest asking on a Cdn immigration forum.

This is correct.
Yikes. Sorry about that -- I always forget that.:eek:

I did warn that this is not Cdn immig site.