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please Help DSP-122


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my problem is that in DSP-122 he asked about if i have worked in a job that need 2 years experience or training
*i'm a pharmacist i don't know if it need two years experience as in my country we worked as pharmacist without experience or training so i answered NO in #7a
* 7b i answered N/A
*7c i wrote my employers and their addresses although i answered NO in #7a
i sent the applications to kcc what should i do?
Since you are a pharmacist, I believe you must be holding a university degree. In that case, your university degree meets the two years minimum training requirement. But, why did you apply on the basis of work, while the education route is much more smooth. They only require 12th grade education from dv applicants. Anyways, if you want to make any corrections, just send an email to KCC explaining the problem. Your should mention your Full Name, case number, and date of birth when sending an email to KCC. Best of luck!!
Thanks Sir

Since you are a pharmacist, I believe you must be holding a university degree. In that case, your university degree meets the two years minimum training requirement. But, why did you apply on the basis of work, while the education route is much more smooth. They only require 12th grade education from dv applicants. Anyways, if you want to make any corrections, just send an email to KCC explaining the problem. Your should mention your Full Name, case number, and date of birth when sending an email to KCC. Best of luck!!

My name is Thomas Adel Nasif Azab
I wrote my last name Nasif middle Adel
and in my country the passport name is Thomas Adel Nasif Azab