Please advise on how to get FBI clearance

Yu Park

New Member
For the last 5 yrs, I lived in the states of Washington and Maryland. I have clearance of Maryland where I live in now. I need to have both Washington clearance and FBI check. Could you please let me know how to get them? Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
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all that you need to do is request FBI for a finger print card, take the card to a local county cop station \'n make a request to the cop to get your fingerprints on the card, mail the card \'n $18 to FBI, you will find the FBI address in your residency kit.
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HAVE YOU BEEN ASKED BY CANADIAN IMMIGRATION OR VISA OFFICER TO GET BOTH WASHINGTON AND FBI CLEARENCE? If they have asked you then you have to provide State clearence but normaly they ask ONLY FBI clearence. IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ASKED you just have to get FBI clearence it does not matter if you stayed in X or Y states of US. BOBBY S is right follow his instructions.