Pitioner died while waiting interview


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I have a unique situation here.. One of my friend is waiting for his immigration interview for family based immigration. His father was his petitioner and he was USC. He has last week in his native country. Now situation is that my friend has done all worked.. He is waiting for his interview. He sent all documents to US Embassy in Islamabad. Interview latter will come in a couple months told by embassy. His father has died and he stuck in this situation. Can anybody tell what he should do. Is there any law for this kind of situation. Will he be rejected.. Pls. Reply me whatever your know about it.

This happened to my brother. My mom was the petitioner and she died. Basically you have two options. Have someone else (the mother) for example substitute as the petitioner or show up for the interview and ask that the petition be granted based on humanitarian reasons. My brother did option two (with a lawyer) and was granted his status, but I've heard it is a lot harder than option one. Good luck!
This happened to my friend's mother. Her mom's husband died a week before the interview and her petition was denied immediately. So,its a big risk.
aliazmat76 said:
I have a unique situation here.. One of my friend is waiting for his immigration interview for family based immigration. His father was his petitioner and he was USC. He has last week in his native country. Now situation is that my friend has done all worked.. He is waiting for his interview. He sent all documents to US Embassy in Islamabad. Interview latter will come in a couple months told by embassy. His father has died and he stuck in this situation. Can anybody tell what he should do. Is there any law for this kind of situation. Will he be rejected.. Pls. Reply me whatever your know about it.

He needs a substitute sponsor. Read the instructions on I-864 under "What Is a Substitute Sponsor?"

This happend to me.

My husband was the petitioner for my son, my husband passed away and case died with my husband. As the petitioner was a USC it may make a difference but my husband was only a LPR

Only because the USCIS errored, can we take this further, we sue for error if judge agrees then the case will be reinstated

There is NO Compassion in this country and why www.expatsvoice.org is doing all it can to raise awareness, and petition for a compassionate visa

There is no common sense with the USCIS

America has a humain society for animals but not people, and sucks !
My Father field for my sister (unmarried F2B) on back 1997, now file move to the last stage and my father passed away, we submitted I-864 with my Mom and Mumbai embassy return packet to USCIS, indicating main petitioner deceased and your case has withdrawn, contact USCIS.

We are so confuse, any one have any idea?

appreciate your help