PIO docs can be self attested ? / Notarization = $180


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Did anyone tried to self attest PIO documents or they have to be notarized ??

3 front pages + 3 back pages of both parents + kid passport copies = 18 pages

18 x $10 = 180 $ in notarization doesn't make sense
I meant the documennts needed to be sent with PIO applications for usc minor(both parents indian citizenships)

parents passport = 6 pages each
kids passport = 6 pages
No notarization required. I sent my kids original passport and my passport copy. and the PIO arrived in 4 weeks.
SF consulate didn't accept

I had turned my passports to SF consulate for cancellation so couldn't get copies notarized. The SF consulate didn't accept my kid's PIO and weren't helpful in finding the passports that are with them.
sent it anyway

i sent my kids PIO without notarization. lets see if CGISF takes it. wondering what could be the reason why they allow self-attestation for OCI and not for PIO.
Hello mango singh,

This website gives general info regarding pio. It does not say anything about self attestation. Does it?:confused:

Yes, the site has lot more info including notarized copies.
What you mention above is just the overview. Click on "Application" within the box on top of "Overview". Scroll down to "Process" and read #4.