Photos of 2008 USCIS Awards - Gonzales and others

To the chorus of complaints from the public, he had the opposite answer to Marie Antoinette's:

Let me eat cake!

Does this mean he will give us the guillotine? Oh wait, that would actually put us out of our misery instead of prolonging it the way they have intended :D
Uncle Gonzo did a really good job, and I am amazed why you guys don't understand it. He did what he was asked to do.
His answer probably would be: "I had only a job in USCIS not a carrier" and that is why he did it this way.
We have more cakes for him to eat.
Its amazing how many of the awards went to department secretaries and under-secretaries. USCIS really does take care of its own. I do not consider working for the government an "outstanding" choice or a great sacrifice - and I know for a fact that there are thousands of naturalized Americans out there who do good deeds (pro-bono) more deserving of the awards.
The awards presented were to "Outstanding American Citizens", not to USCIS department workers.

Some of those individuals had the titles "Secretary so-and-so". I am assuming they are part of the government. Or am I mistake? I know there were some regular folks that are doctor's, celebs, etc.

For example Secretary Elaine L. Chao is the U.S. Department of Labor Secretary and both her and her husband were given an award.

Another is Rosario Marin, Secretary, State and Consumer Services Agency - she was also presented with an award.
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Some of those individuals had the titles "Secretary so-and-so". I am assuming they are part of the government. Or am I mistake? I know there were some regular folks that are doctor's, celebs, etc.

For example Secretary Elaine L. Chao is the U.S. Department of Labor Secretary and both her and her husband were given an award.

Another is Rosario Marin, Secretary, State and Consumer Services Agency - she was also presented with an award.

Correct. I misunderstood your previous statement to mean that the awards were specifically for outstanding USCIS employees, instead of outstanding citizens.
The awards presented were to "Outstanding American Citizens", not to USCIS department workers.

Well, no matter how "outstanding" you or I or anyone else here may be, the other part of this formula continues to evade us. I don't think I'll be getting this award anytime soon.

It's interesting that you can get this award precisely by preventing others from becoming outstanding American citizens.
It's interesting that you can get this award precisely by preventing others from becoming outstanding American citizens.

Ditto. Hey, it's not impossible that this is EXACTLY what the award is for. Of course, something like that would never be publicized.

Will anyone be joining yummyk and I in contacting Julia Preston, the NY Times immigration correspondent?