Perm Cleared


Registered Users (C)
12/14/2004 PERM Cleared12/10/04

* The White House announced in the dawn today that it cleared the long-awaited PERM final regulation of the U.S. Department of Labor. The exact date of release of this regulation in the federal register is unknown and left to the DOL, but it may not take too long to release this regulation. The Chief of Foreign Labor Certification, DOL, previously stated that once the regualtion was published, it would have 60-day window period of time before the PERM program would be actually launched. Now, PERM is reality and no longer the subject of speculation.
* The current labor certification system of RIR, Limited Review, and Regular labor certification applications will soon disappear and be discontinued. The National Processing Centers in Chicago and Atlanta will go into full operation of the new labor certification applications named PERM as soon as the 60-day window is opened. For the development of this news, please stay tuned to this website.
Well, more importantly, now the Q is: What are the new regulations under PERM. How do they want the employers to post requirements for a job. If its still too restrictive, we might still not be able to use it to the most benefit for us. Lets wait and watch for the lawyers to interpret PERM and post their comments.
Perm and BEC

Current rule says that existing cases will go to BEC.

What is the deadline for the cases to go in BEC. as ealier it was 1 Jan 2005.

But now with Perm rule, BEC center will receive the case for all cases before perm or before Jan?

if before Jan then what would happen to the cases filed between Jan 1 , 2005 till start of per rule ?
