Parents Visa Refusal; Please help!


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My parents US visa has been refused by US-Embassy in Islamabad. The reason was that they have extended their previous stays in the US. My parents got stay-extension from USCIS because of some genuine reasons while they were here. Anyway, could there anything be done from here (USA) because they are old and want to stay with me for sometime and need to see their grandchildren. They are in their late 70s. Should I contact a lawyer? Local Senator/Congressman?
Please advise as its heartbreaking family issue for my parents.
Did they extend their visa each time they visited. How long a visa stamp did they have and how long did they stay on each visit here, along with how many times did they visit you.
Not each time; they visited 4 times but got extension 2 times
They had stay-stamp for 6 months and stayed for one year with approval and extension by USCIS.
The visa officer does not even look at the file and just deny it..its like 1 minute for each person in Islamabad as there is not other visa section in the country of 160 millions.
Anyway what can i do now? My parents really want to see my kids and spend time with them, if u have parents and kids you would know this.
if they did not have a ten year visa then going for extension does not make sense. it is always risky.

Did they have the extension notices this time. When was the last time they stayed with you and did they extend it.
And yes they do spend 5 mts with each applicant, they have to go through so many, it just reduces the wait time by getting more people interviewd on one day.

As for your case maybe you will be able to try again in a few weeks with a strong cover letter and stronger ties to country.

Was the extension last time related to birth of your kids/ is it the same scenario this time.

There are several factors in getting a visa, some times it is pure luck.

Good Luck to you
do they issue 10 year visa from pakistan as Pakistani passport are only valid for 5 yaers? I thought 10 year visa is for indians
anyway, what are my options here other than having my parents apply again in 6 months..would a senator/congressman be helpful or is it just cosmetic effort?
You contact a senator or congressman in cases of extreme urgencies (e.g. life, death, life threatening accidents) not for a visit.

The validity of the visa has nothing to do with the period of validity of the passport. Many countries their passport last less than a 10 year visa so the person must carry the old passport with the valid visa and the new passport. Many countries received a 10 year visas regardless of how long the passport will expire.

Wait for another 6 months and try to be clear that they will return in that specific date (like they have an appointment or something like that) and do not extend again their stay. The problem is that everytime does not matter how many times they are doing it they are giving the clear message that they pretend to stay longer that the maximum stay of 6 months and that is not suppose to tourism/pleasure issues and they do not suppose to want to immigrate but for immigration issues every person who apply for a tourist visa is an intending immigrant and it is in them the burden to proof the contrary...and your parents are failing since they are keep staying more than what they said at the POE.

Wait and try to find something that attach them by the time they want to return and as I said, if they get approved do not extend their stay...give it time.

Good luck,