Parents' birthdays -unknown - for passport application


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The ink has just dried on my Naturalization certificate and I'm beginning the process to apply for a US Passport (which, in case anyone checked, is a LOT less expensive than many passports I know - my birth country's is 100 Euros (ouch) or 140 dollars, plus a trip to Chicago - nearest consulate - to apply plus a trip to Chicago to pick it up - they won't mail - for 5 years - but that's a different thread)

So, the application asks for parents' birthdays or 'unknown'. Is it OK to put down year only? I have a couple inches' worth of legal documents from them (wills, affidavits, etc) and NONE has anything other than year of birth. Both have passed so that's all the info I have. In country of birth we do NOT celebrate birthdays but celebrate patron Saint day's instead (i.e. 'Name Day'). The online form does not allow you to put year only...
The ink has just dried on my Naturalization certificate and I'm beginning the process to apply for a US Passport (which, in case anyone checked, is a LOT less expensive than many passports I know - my birth country's is 100 Euros (ouch) or 140 dollars, plus a trip to Chicago - nearest consulate - to apply plus a trip to Chicago to pick it up - they won't mail - for 5 years - but that's a different thread)

So, the application asks for parents' birthdays or 'unknown'. Is it OK to put down year only? I have a couple inches' worth of legal documents from them (wills, affidavits, etc) and NONE has anything other than year of birth. Both have passed so that's all the info I have. In country of birth we do NOT celebrate birthdays but celebrate patron Saint day's instead (i.e. 'Name Day'). The online form does not allow you to put year only...

I had left blank.
This gets funnier. I had relatives in Ye Olde Country go thru a file cabinet's worth of legal documents including both parents' National ID Card photocopies. Without fail, they all mention year of birth only... They finally found my Father's birthday and the month of my Mother's birthday... I'll be applying for a passport next week so I'll inform y'all if the month only for Mother's birthday works :)