Parent's B2 expiring - when to renew/reapply?


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Hi all,

My parents' 5 yr visitor visa is expiring in Oct 08. They have visited US thrice on their visas, and returned before I-94 expiry each time.

What is the earliest date that we can re-apply for their visit visas? Can we apply BEFORE their current visas expire?

The reason I ask is because they would ideally like to come here in Feb 08 for 2 months and then Aug 08 for 4 months, and I have heard that if their visa expires while they are here (even though they have valid I-94 issued by port of entry), sometimes Mumbai consulate considers that as a negative and rejects the re-applications.. I don't want to take any un due risks with their visitor visa rejections..

Please advise.


- ab