Only 1 month stay for visitors


New Member
I strongly feel that we as a community should protest to this. Our parents come to visit us often and if their visit is curtailed to 1 month it would make a huge impact in our lives. If the INS decided to let us stay in the US for benefiting the country then we should also get the right to let our loved ones come and visit us. I completely agree with them that people who come in with visitors visa should NOT be allowed to enter school without permission. That really does give a bad name to all international students coming in the US with a F1 visa. Law abiding people like us who did everything by the book from gettinga F1 visa and going through the whole process of getting a green card should not suffer because of people trying to by pass the law and doing illegal things like overstaying or jumping visa categories.
I would really like to get this message to the INS and express our concern. Please join me so that we can muster up enough number of people to start a campaign.
What I propose is the following:
1. Immediate family of F1, H1, J1 or permanent residents (people who have the right to stay in this country legally) should be still allowed to have a 10 year multiple entry visa.
2. Their stay should not be limited to 1 month and they should be allowed to stay for 6 months as before.
This is frustrating

We have came here legally, we file our taxes & what we get the treatment like this. By reducing stay for 1 month what they are getting? they should allow immidiate family members for 6 months 7 other than that may be 1 month or 15 days we don\'t care.
strongly oppose the proposal of reduing family member\'s visiting time to 1 month

I definately agree with you. And strongly oppose the proposal of INS about resucing the family member\'s visiting time to 1 month, it\'s not fair.
yes I too agree

This new law is going to wreak havoc on our psychology.We should oppose this as a community.We need to keep in close touch with our parents and our children should get the company and warmth of grandparents.Something has to be done about this to represent to the INS.
1 month stay - a rumor

This rumor that visitiors r getiing only 30 days stay in us is not true. I know of two friends that came on visit visa in last week of april who got 6 months stay stamped on their i-94.
It is not a rumor

Look at the reputed lawyer Murthy\'s site where the INS officials have said that they plan to implement it accross the board very soon. I have come across some hear say about some one month cases issued already.
I agree to the "chemist" view that we should muster some support for bringing one of the main issues to the fore which would be
The one month entry should have exceptions for people(mainly parents of legal visa holders)of certain age(maybe over age 55) as they will find it extremely difficult to travel back and forth within such a short period of time.
The sites in addition to this one that we should contact are
1. which has been successful before in project immigrants issues.
2. Reputed lawyers like, and who as part of AILA(AMERICAN IMMIGRATION LAWYERS ASSOCIATION) can make raise issues to INS.
3. Spread word around about this issue and the related sites

We should act fast before this becomes law.
I agree.

We should act fast . But how?
As it is we are missing our families so much and this law makes it worse.
This law is not yet approved.

Hi Folks,
   This is only a proposal.
Here is an excerpt:
   "Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner James W. Ziglar announced a significant proposal for change in the tourist visa regulations. In testimony given March 19, 2002 before the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims, the Commissioner stated that the INS is considering regulatory changes that would result in most holders of tourist visas being allowed entry for a period of 30 days. This is a dramatic reduction from the previously generous provisions, whereby the INS routinely granted tourists the right to remain legally in the U.S. for up to 6 months."

Hopefully, this doesn\'t get through. We are very concerned about this law. My parents, if they get their visas, were planning to stay with me for atleast 90 days. We recently got our Greencards. It has been 4 years since I saw them. I really wish this law doesn\'t get passed.

Not sure how to mobilize to oppose this law? Any suggestions?
It is sad

I agree that it will be a tragic decision by the INS, if they limit the duration of stay on visitor\'s visa (esp. if it includes immediate family members) to 30 days.

I think that we should really oppose such laws to be passed. INS should really be completely revamed and made more effective by not restricting to come to US but by taking more efficient measures. As somebody pointed out, 30 days are enough for the terrrorists to act. But making restriction on somebody\'s parents coming to visit their children after (maybe) years, is VERY VERY SAD. The country that preaches stronger families and love among family memebrs is making laws against it.

I am a permanent resident in US. But if INS kept acting like this, I believe I will go back to my country where at least my kids won\'t miss the love of their grand-parents. It just brings tears in your eyes.

I agree that shey should do a more through check at the time of issuing a visa and should REALLY look at the reason why somebody is visting US. If it is for pure pleasure, I understand the restrictions. However, if it is for more genuine reasons like - help a pregnant daughter, then they should really be lenient.
Dont understand the commotion

All this while "all" US laws on immigration is followed faithfully and too the letter of the law and suddenly there is this big deal being made out.

You are on US soil live within the gambit of US/INS rules/regulations.

30 day rule will change but dont get too carried away as if you are in your own country.

I feel sorry for you. I think you dont have anybody to visit you from your home country. Please refrain from posting such comments in the future.
We pay taxes as all other citizens do and deserve a better deal.
I feel sorry for you too for being so presumptuous.

> I feel sorry for you. I think you dont have anybody to visit you from your home country.

I feel sorry for you too for being so presumptuous. I make trips annually and so do my relatives.

> We pay taxes as all other citizens do and deserve a better deal.

Big deal lot of people pay taxes, even I do.
It is valid policy now

I 100% agree with you. INS shall set up it rule not allow people to change status within US, not the limited the time of stay. It will create two different situation: 1) Increasing the number of senior applying for GC, which can make them stay with their children longer.
2) can not prevent those type of person who will never follow the book.
The only victim is the people like us, who always be careful, never cross the line.
Online Petition to oppose the new proposal

Dear Friends: I started the following petition against the new INS rules. The petition urging the INS against implementing the new 30-day rule for B-2 visa holders is being signed at lightening speed. In just under 48 hours after I put this petition online, it has been signed by approximately 19,000 concerned citizens, permanent resident and non-resident aliens. It is currently the number 1 petition on I would like to request you folks sign the petition and get involved in spreading awareness regarding this petition. You can view and sign the petition online at:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks and best regards.
Pradeep Bhatia
San Mateo, California
1 month visitation law

I completely agree with the last message posted. I would further add that there is a strong chance of thousands of Asian immigrants going back to their respective countries for good to be with their parents and other loved ones. A law limiting stay for 30 days would be torture... I also think it would not be beneficial to the US if some a lot of valuable immigrants leave the US.
No Title


Thanks for signing the petition. Signing the petition alone would not do. If at all the petition goes to INS, they can simply toss it away without even giving it a look. However, lawmakers have real power to tell INS what to do and what not.

Besides, (if I am correct) INS commissioner Zigler is going to testify in front of lawmakers at the end of this month. So, in addition to signing the petition, I would encourage people to contact their lawmakers.

(A) Write letters (and, if possible pl. call the local offices of your lawmakers) to:

(1) Your senator ( and
(2) Congressman (
(4) White House E-Mail Addresses
President George W. Bush:
Vice President Richard Cheney:

As for what to write, pl visit

(B) Contact INS at:

INS Docket Number: 2176-01
Title of the Notice/Regulation: Admission period for B nonimmigrant aliens, 02-08297