old appointment valid?


Registered Users (C)
I got an appointment for my in-law's for Oct 24th a few months back using the old system.

Now since there is a new appointment system do I need to do it all over again or is the old one valid?
Could anybody answer this question, i am also in the same boat.I booked an interview for my mom on Nov 17th with the old system. Do i need to take new appt.

I called TTS About. They do Honor the appointment done through TTS Website. You are safe if you the TTS Appt Date is okay for you.

My In-laws appointment was done on 20th December from TTS Website. But we need an eariler appointment so we paid DDs to get receipt but the VFS Appointment slots are closed and nearest open is Feb '06. !!!! :mad: I hope some slots will open soon in VFS .. lest I will lose my Money :( :mad: